
November 2023

Hello Friends and Neighbors,

  We here at South Pas Active Streets are entering the final push of the Save Our Slow Streets campaign and we need your help. We’re asking you to show your support for the Slow Street Pilot program when we bring our petition results to the MTIC commission meeting on Tuesday. Read on for details or click here to email commissioners now.

  South Pasadena has taken some small steps toward making our streets safer through the Slow Street program. This pilot program is using quick-build material to show how we can better allocate road space and improve safety. In time, these installations can be added to other streets and rebuilt with more durable and attractive designs. However, this program will not continue if we don’t speak up and say we support the goals of slower, safer streets! A few vocal residents are saying that the changes are not welcome… and council members are listening.

  The pilot program was shortened from six to three months after some complaints. We are now at the 3-month review period, in which the MTIC commission will make a recommendation and the council will make a decision on the pilot program on December 6. We continue to see damage to the installation from drivers running them over. People need the full 6-month pilot to learn how to drive while providing space for other street users.

  How can you help?

  Thanks to those of you who have signed our petition! The online form includes a question: "Why is this important to you?". Your responses are compelling and inspiring, including these:

Thanks for your support,

Casey Law, on behalf of South Pas Active Streets