October 2024
Hello South Pas Active friends,
We've had a busy start to the fall and have a lot more to share! This email includes info on a meet-and-greet with a candidate for city council, a recap of the Week Without Driving, and more.
Bike Clinic Success
We partnered with the Marengo PTA and South Pasadena DUDES to run our city's first bike clinic for kids. Dozens of children came to Marengo Elementary school to develop their riding skills in a safe, open environment with expert teachers and mechanics. Everyone had a blast and quickly gained confidence in their riding ability. You can find photos and videos on this album.
Meet and Greet with Sheila Rossi on October 15
South Pas Active and Streets For All have endorsed Sheila Rossi for city council. Residents of district 2 have been invited to a Meet-and-Greet with Ms. Rossi on Tuesday, October 15th. Please join us! You will have a chance to present issues impacting you and ask her direct questions. How would you like to see the city address issues related to active transportation, safe streets, and sustainability?
This will be a casual event hosted by friends Josh and Jackie at their home. To attend, RSVP with this form. South Pasadena's district 2 is roughly west of Fair Oaks and North of Monterey or Mission (detailed map).
Week Without Driving and Walk Buses
Today marks the end of the Week Without Driving, a national campaign to raise awareness of the challenges faced by those who live car free. We ran a campaign to highlight the experience of South Pasadenans during the week. Our press release was picked up by the South Pasadena Review and and our Instagram has a collection of personal stories. If you participated in any way, you can support the campaign by filling out this exit survey.
A local benefit from the Week Without Driving was the development of a new "walk bus" by the Arroyo Vista PTA. This adds to the terrific program run by the Marengo PTA that has built safe routes to school each Friday. If you would like to support these programs, please let your PTA know. AV PTA families can provide express interest with this survey and Marengo families can contact their PTA Active Transportation program.
Fall Arts Crawl Bike Valet
The South Pasadena Fall Arts Crawl is happening on Saturday, October 19th. We will be providing a bike valet this time, so ditch the car, roll in, and we'll keep your bike safe. If you do attend, be sure to drop by our booth and say hi!
Stay Active,
South Pas Active