
September 2022

Hello Fellow South Pasadenans,

  Thanks for your interest and support in the Bike and Walk to School Day. We will have more info on this soon, including the detailed plan for routes and schedule for the October 5th event.

  Given that many of you also indicated interest in supporting other active street efforts in our city, we have added you to the South Pas Active Streets mailing list. This will only be used occasionally and only for issues of relevance to our mission (see

  We are emailing today to ask for your support in one of these issues. South Pasadena's Mobility and Transportation Infrastructure Commission (MTIC) is meeting tonight at 6:30pm (meeting link: to review the Bicycle Master Plan. As many of you are aware, we've made modest progress on the plan, despite its modest scope.

  We're calling on MTIC to recommend a concrete and speedy timeline for implementation. While we have issues with the plan, we're all concerned that opening the project up to further study would just delay implementation. Once the city sets the timeline, we can push for additional safety features on key corridors on top of that.

  Details and talking points are in this document. Note that if you plan to submit written comment, the deadline is noon today (sorry for the late notice; we'll do better next time). Because our city is so small, any participation or submission makes a big impact. We hope you'll join us in encouraging the city to do more to support better active use of our streets.


Casey Law

on behalf of South Pas Active Streets