Week Without Driving

Week Without Driving South Pas

The Week Without Driving is a challenge to live as 30% of Americans do every day: car free. The needs of those who live car free are often not visible in their community, because they lack the mobility and voice to make their needs known.

In South Pasadena, we are fortunate to live near public transportation and walkable streets. However, there are still significant challenges to going car free, including traffic violence, poorly designed sidewalks, and more.

Use this pledge form to express your interest in participating or supporting the Week Without Driving in South Pasadena. South Pas Active is partnering with multiple organizations in South Pasadena as part of the week.

Activities include:

- Escorted walks to local elementary schools with prizes and activities.

- "Bike bus" to local elementary schools.

- A bike clinic for South Pas kids on Saturday, October 5th.

Watch Instagram for updates from our community, including #weekwithoutdriving.